Cinema vs At-Home Movie Watching
The last year has seen many things shut down: restaurants, cafes, schools, churches. As many countries are starting to make their way out of lockdown, these venues are starting to open again. One of the most annoying places to shut down for me personally, were cinemas. I was able to make do with many DVDs and a Disney+ subscription but nothing beats the popcorn smell of the cinema. In Melbourne and many other places around the world, cinemas are back in business... but business isn't booming.
Cinemas aren't the place they once were. Many cinemas nowadays feel almost empty. With new releases often coming out onto subscription services straight away, there often isn't a need to see the latest blockbusters in a more expensive environment. So many viewers choose to watch movies in their own home. But you have to ask yourself: does at-home viewing equal the experience of the cinema?

Cinemas have a distinct smell, there's no denying it. The smell of popcorn wafts throughout the building. Although many supermarkets have tried to replicate the iconic taste of cinema popcorn, the popcorn that you get at your local Hoyts or Village cinemas, you will only be able to find at your local Hoyts or Village Cinemas.
It may surprise you that seeing a movie at a cinema isn't much more expensive than watching one at home. If you are old fashioned and still watch DVDs, then you'll know that sometimes DVDs can actually be more expensive than a ticket to the movies. Plus you have to provide the DVD player, speakers and TV. If you plan on watching a movie on a subscription service, then the price is usually about the same, not including costs of food, TV, etc. But your subscription service doesn't come with an enormous screen with a great quality picture. Or surround sound to make the experience so much better. Does it?

At home you may feel more free to talk during the movie to your friends or family watching with you, but the undeniable atmosphere of a cinema is an experience that can't be ignored. A whole cinema full of laughing, crying and cheering people is something that can often unite people in the most amazing way.
If you're still convinced that staying at home is the better way to go, take this example: It's your tenth birthday and you and some friends are going to see the latest Star Wars movie which you've been waiting to see for months. You walk into the building and immediately smell the popcorn. Off to one side of the room is the claw game which you always try but never seem to get a prize. You and all your friends get to choose something from the snack bar. You choose popcorn of course. You walk into the cinema and take your allocated seats. Up on the giant screen they are playing the latest movie trailers. You see one and plead to your mum that you can watch it when it comes out. By the time the movie finally starts, you've already eaten half your popcorn. The movie is amazing as you imagined. The whole cinema laughs, cries and cheers all at the right points. You come home late that night and have dreams about adventures in a galaxy far, far away.

Would you have the same excitement if the movie was watched at your house? Would you be in the same room with many other people who love the same thing as you? Would you see and hear the movie with incredible quality or be able to taste delicious cinema popcorn?
For me, the answer to all those questions is no. If you were to ask whether I'd prefer to see a movie at home or at a cinema, I am most likely going to say the cinema, I don't know if it is the same for you.
So are you going to watch tomorrow night's movie at your place?
Or perhaps instead, you could experience it in a magical place called the cinema.
Article by Tristan Carr
Last edited: 06/02/22